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A spirit that is not afraid

Meet Sasha Cohen: candidate for Miss Auburn

Sasha Cohen, junior in architecture, is running for Miss Auburn.
Sasha Cohen, junior in architecture, is running for Miss Auburn.

Sasha Cohen, junior in architecture, is using her Miss Auburn platform to ask her fellow students to look within to create a more authentic student body. Her platform is rooted in the Auburn Creed line, “I believe in honesty and truthfulness, without which I cannot win the respect and confidence of my fellow men.”

“I think it’s easy to look at this line of the Creed and ask others to be honest and truthful, but to me, I think you have to start by looking within,” Cohen said. “My vision for Auburn is a place where we can be sincere in our actions, speak truth in our words and be genuine in our character.”

Cohen is using her perspective as a member of a minority group to bring a new perspective to call for increased inclusion and diversity. 

“Many times, [Miss Auburn candidates] have never experienced what it is like to be the minority on campus,” Cohen said. “Instead, they are just going off what they are hearing. Their advocacy is important, but as a black woman, I feel like I can bring the perspective of what the experience is like as a minority student at this University.”

Cohen wants to provide a voice for all students so that the student body can come together, create change and work to improve Auburn. 

“It’s imperative that Auburn is always striving towards creating an environment where all students feel like they can be themselves every single day,” Cohen said. “By working with the new SGA administration, collaborating with different University offices and resources and accounting for actual student voices, change is possible.”

Cohen considers the voice she has been able to lend to her cause to be the most important part of her campaign for Miss Auburn.

“If you are not present, then your voice and your perspective is not even being considered,” Cohen said. “If one student feels safer and more secure knowing that they are loved and someone is advocating for them, then I know that I have accomplished what I wanted.”

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